California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly is one of 12 campus partners in the Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engineering Education (CPREE). The goal of CPREE is to increase the use of reflective practices in engineering education, particularly at the first and second year across a diverse set of institutions. Here at Cal Poly, we are leveraging the larger CPREE project to not only promote reflective practices, but also to examine the relationship between reflection and transformative learning.
All of the 12 campus partners have a campus specific field guide with at least 10 reflection activities.
1. My Experience with School
Students reflected on their past experience in school in connection to their future in college and as an engineering professional. more… PDF
2. Reflecting on Your Felder’s Learning Style Index
Students reflected on their Felder’s Learning Style scores. more… PDF
3. Reflection in Engineering Education and Transformative Learning
Towards the end of the term, students reflected on their learning in the program and existing and emerging professional engineering practices. more… PDF
4. Plant Tour Reflection
At the end of a plant tour, students reflected on their experience. more… PDF
5. Becoming a “World Class” Engineering Student
Throughout an introduction to Mechanical Engineering course, first-year students reflected on attitudes and behaviors for success in college. more… PDF
6. Reflection Exam Question
At the end of a take-home exam, students reflected on course topics that were unclear and wrote an exam question of their own for one of those unclear topics. more… PDF
7. Quality Engineering Applies to Students’ Learning
In a quality engineering course, students reflected on the quality of their work so that students are clear about the choices they are making related to their own learning. more… PDF
8. Project Reflection
After an assignment with an industry trainer, students reflected on their learning. more… PDF
9. Reflecting on Teamwork After a First-Year Service-Learning Project
Students reflected on their individual experience working in a group service-learning project. more… PDF
10. Reflecting in Support of Personal Transformation
Students participated in an outside of class, for-research, reflections on their learning motivations and classroom engagement. more… PDF
11. Reflecting on Senior Capstone
Throughout a senior capstone project, students reflected on their experience. more… PDF